Sharing God's Message of Hope
Mexico: Baja Presbyterian Missions
Jim Hancock, President
1958 Willowbrook Court
El Cajon, CA 92019
jimhancock@cox.net (619) 840-6884
Since 1964, Baja Presbyterian Missions (BPM) Â has been dedicated to helping the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Baja California. Â Their vision includes the mission to plant and grow Presbyterian churches in Baja by raising money to help the Mexican Presbytery purchase Baja land and buildings, to fund and oversee Baja church construction projects, and to supplement a Baja pastor's salary until each church is self-sufficient. Â When Baja was hard hit during Covid they were quick to respond by offering food relief and medical assistance.
As the border situation continues to worsen some  local pastors have extended their church outreach into the migrant camps. already planted, and for their growth and effective service.​​