Spiritual and Social Renewal of San Diego
The San Diego Downtown Fellowship of Churches and Ministries (DF) is a faith-based collaborative that engages in San Diego's downtown community for the spiritual and social renewal of our city. Ben Montoya (DF President) & Bruce Menser (DF Board / FPC member) along with others on their team and various members of the community make up this collaborative. DF's mission is to unite the Church and partner with the community to serve the vulnerable in Downtown San Diego. With the guidance and support of scripture, the Holy Spirit, and prayer, DF hopes to best serve the community through collaboration between churches, ministries, businesses, civic leaders, and agencies concerned for the welfare of the community. It's DF's hope to build meaningful, long-lasting relationships across community groups with spiritual well-being as the priority while also deploying resources for the efficient and meaningful impact throughout the city.
We asked Ben Montoya these questions to help describe the ministry. What is your organization’s vision for ministry?
Vision: A united church in partnership with the communityand serving the most vulnerable in downtown San Diego. With the guidance and support of scripture, the Holy Spirit, and prayer, we do this by: Collaboration: Churches, ministries, residents, businesses, civic leaders, and agencies concerned for thewelfare of the community.
Advocacy: Bringing to bear the collective voice of our members and partners to correct injustices wherethey exist.
Relationships: Meaningful, long-lasting relationships with spiritual well-being the priority. Deploying resources through ministry network/community partnerships.
Empowerment: Training, educating, resourcing, and encouraging our members and volunteers in ministryand service. The DF is not the church nor is it a social service.
The DF is an extension of the Church’s local mission and supports the Church and its ministries. The DF provides a vehicle where:
• Churches and ministries can collaborate in unity to serve the community • The Word can be shared through relationships with the community, including the most vulnerable
• Churches and ministries are supported in their mission with prayer and resources
Describe the focus of your ministry – the past year’s activities and goals for the coming year.
Please see our end of year newsletter and website below for more information and photos.
How can FPCSD better serve and equip you and your ministries as your partner?
FPCSD already provides a great deal of support to Downtown Fellowship (DF) and we are very grateful. FPCSD provides financial support as well as the use of facilities for monthly meetings and board and staff meetings. Prayer for our ministry is always welcome.
These are some volunteer opportunities:
Mentorship- individuals who are willing to mentor an individual who is intransition out of homelessness and into a home. DF is currently partnering with other organizations and helping to develop a broader mentorship program called “Walk with Me”.
Serving Together- the city of San Diego is housing the homeless in hotels and even in the convention center to help transition the homeless into homes. DF is helping to coordinate resources like move-in kits, clothing, and food. We are also coordinating volunteers who can periodically check-in and provide encouragement.
Sleepless Service Days- Before Covid19, DF was partnering with the San Diego Rescue Mission and Downtown Partnership Clean & Safe to have volunteers do a clean-up of downtown San Diego for the purpose of blessing the community, fellowshipping with other believers and non-believers and interacting with the homeless. This is currently on hold and we will let FPCSD know when the next one is scheduled.
Advocacy- Downtown Fellowship has representatives attend downtown community meetings to get to know downtown residents and businesses while representing the faith community on issues like homelessness.
Fellowship Meetings- anyone can attend our monthly meetings where community and ministry leaders speak on subjects like homelessness, human trafficking and high-risk youth.
Prayer Requests:
For the churches and ministries of San Diego that they would be united in glorifying God and loving God’s people.
For the Downtown community that God would touch their lives through us, through our partnerships or through serving those who are vulnerable.
For wisdom for Downtown Fellowship and the San Diego community in addressing the complex problems of homelessness, human trafficking and high-risk youth.
For the Lord to work in the lives of people on the streets, or struggling with addictions or mental health, as they take positive steps to conquer their afflictions.