Preparing Young People for Christian Service and Leadership
The mission of Icthus is to prepare young people for service and leadership wherever God calls by equipping churches with programs and training so that they will see youth committed to Jesus Christ, transforming their families, churches, and communities. The ministry originated from a 1964 short-term mission trip to Guatemala by a First Pres Eagle Scout, Don Weisbrod. Icthus, from the Greek for “fish,” was an early secret Christian symbol, an acronym for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” Today, this club-like Christian organization is active in 14 Latin American countries, with thousands of active 4-17-year-old children and over 1,400 guides, participating in hundreds of churches. Children who participate in Icthus receive a holistic education through age-appropriate programs in Christian service, leadership and life skills. A significant number of its 100,000 alums have leadership positions in their churches and communities, and families have accepted Christ under the influence of their Icthus-trained kids.
Prayer Requests:
For strong leadership teams in each of the countries where Icthus is active in order to enable them to bring their communities to Christ, and to work and encourage the churches to minister to their kids.
For God's provision and guidance for Icthus' leadership in the United States and in each of the countries.
For strength and encouragement for all the guides and pastors who bear the burden of the ministries in their congregations.
For each of the Icthus groups in each of the countries participating in their "Casting the Net" activity where they seek to reach additional children in their communities for Christ.
For new Icthus groups to form so they can open doors to the kids and teens in their neighborhoods.
For financial support to provide training manuals, campership opportunities, and development of new Icthus training materials and groups.
For the churches and children who live in very vulnerable communities and for those who are affected by socio-political strife.